Forest of Our Lady - Le Fréchou, France

"I am Mary, Mother of Mercy and Mother of the Church"

Place of
the Apparitions
of the Virgin Mary
to her confidant,
Father Jean Marie,
since June
10, 1977.
Statue that was placed on the grounds, shortly after the First Apparition in 1977.

Actual oak tree in front of which the Blessed Mother appeared is behind it.

Ceremonies there, in 2000

It is a natural Shrine in a little forest where the Blessed Virgin Mary promised to make her Mercy burst forth, and touch hearts, without forgetting relief and cure for many.

A place of peace and silence, where thousands and thousands of pilgrims recollect each year, especially on the 14th of each month, before the statue of the Immaculate Mother of God, close to the Oak Tree of the Apparition.

Extraordinary signs, miraculous cures, unbelievable conversions, visible protection of God follow one another for all those who come to this Admirable Mother.
Bishop Jean Marie, after her request, founded Communities of masculine and feminine Religious persons, along with Works of charity throughout the world, putting into practice her motherly advice, at the service of those who suffer.

The monthly Pilgrimage takes place on the 14,
and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is always
celebrated there at noon, followed by the
Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament.
For more information, Please Call:

(1) 773-261-0101 - or e-mail us at:


You can get the book of Messages
from Our Lord, Our Lady and St. Joseph
to the Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie,

directly with this link!

"I am Mary, Mother of Mercy and Mother of the Church. I desire my children to come here on a pilgrimage. I shall come on the first* and fourteenth of each month... and I shall listen to the supplications of my people. My Divine Son has chosen this piece of land for me, so that I make my Mercy burst forth here. May this blessed wood, which is from now on consecrated to me, be a place of prayer, penance and mercy."

While tears were running down Our Lady's face, Father Jean Marie asked her interiorly the reason for her tears. She answered him:

"I am weeping over the Church, over France and over the World."
*During one of her Apparitions, Our Lady said that in the future she would only come on the 14th.

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Mother of Mercy and Mother of the Church!
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